Pet Ethics

Animal Ethics Committee

Happy Bash Pty Ltd has established an independent Animal Ethics Committee (AEC). The committee is made up of experienced industry representatives with extensive backgrounds in animal care. They have the common goal of acting in an advisory and consultative capacity in relation to pet welfare and the ethical significance of the sale of pet hermit crabs. All reports and correspondence from meetings are directed to the CEO of Happy Bash Pty Ltd.

Our AEC meets twice a year to review all matters arising from customers or the community in relation to pet hermit crab welfare. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Changes to existing documentation relating to the pet management plan
  • Major changes to policies in relation to animal ethics standards
  • Advice to management on animal ethics matters
  • Maintaining institutional accountability
  • Considering the animal ethical implications of all proposed uses of the pet collection and sales
  • Maintaining a registry of all animal ethics matters and resolution plans
  • Maintaining communication with Happy Bash management and providing access, upon request, to information in the AEC’s records
  • Considering and reporting on any animal ethics problems that may be drawn to its attention
  • Reporting to the CEO through the chairperson
  • Conducting audits of livestock housing and facilities as required

It is important to note that under the Australian Animal Research Act of 1985, Happy Bash is not required to form an AEC for the following reasons:

  • Our organisation will not be using livestock in any shape or form for research.
  • Our business model and direction only relate to invertebrates, which are exempt from the requirement to have a committee review animal use.
  • We will not receive applications for projects and will approve only those projects that are ethically acceptable and conform to the requirements of the Code (Clause 2.3.2 [i]).

Despite this, we still have an AEC in place to ensure we achieve our pet welfare goals.

If you would like to contact the committee to review a matter in relation to the management and sale of pet hermit crabs, please direct your enquiry in writing to:

The Chairperson
Animal Ethics Committee
C/O Happy Bash Pty Ltd
PO Box 2043
Taren Point NSW 2229

The committee will review your submission at the next AEC meeting and respond accordingly.

Pet Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are an awesome First Time Pet! Not only are they fun, active and entertaining, they also educate kids on how to look after a pet and help children build social and nurturing skills! 

Watch as your Hermit Crab explores their enclosure, climbs their accessories and change their shell as they grow! You can even handle your hermit crabs, they are very social animals and handling creates an unbreakable bond between you and your new best friend!

Shop Krabooz

Pet Stick Insect

Stick insects are an awesome pet! They're extremely easy to look after and gentle to handle! 

Let your new pet crawl up your arm and watch as they dance! Your stick insect will also lay eggs every day, which you can hatch and nurse, allowing you to have as many stick insects as you'd like! Which is an amazing educational experience for your child! For more information on how to raise baby stick insects, check out our Insectimo Pet Care Info!

Shop Insectimo

Fish Tank TV

Fun and unique fish tanks for the whole family to enjoy! 

Our Fish Tank TV is the most creative and best selling aquarium on the market! This fish tank is perfect for any bedroom with a range of themes and accessories to choose from; including a Candy Land theme, Jurassic theme, or you can choose to create your own theme by picking accessories from our extensive range of fish aquarium accessories, we even have our Wham Fluro accessories that glow in the dark!

Shop Fish Tank TV